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Find a Dentist/Find a Hotel
The Profiles
Create an appointment request
Create your Dentists of Mexico Directory profile
Add new Locations
Profile Information Details
Add new Personal
Profile Credentials

Welcome to your Dentists of Mexico Directory help page.
This tutorial will help you to use our Dentists and Hotels search engine tools, navigate between the dentists and hotels profiles to see their content and information, how to create a request appointment and how to create your own Dentists of Mexico Directory profile for FREE.

Find a Dentist/Find a Hotel
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First we need to make ensure what is Dentits of Mexico Directory. Dentists of Mexico Directory is designed as a search engine website to help you find the best dentists and hotels in all Mexico. If you want to search for a Dentists or a Hotel in Mexico you can do that by click on the Find a Dentist or Find a Hotel links in the main menu or in the Find a Dentists or Find a Hotel images shown in the Home page as the image below:


If you click on Find a dentist link or image you will be redirected to our Find a Dentists search engine tool.

If you click on Find a hotel link or image you will be redirected to our Find a Hotel search engine tool.

The Find a Dentist/Find a Hotel search engine tool is designed to help you to fast search and select your favorite dentists or hotel you are looking for. The search engine tool is divided by two search methods explained in the images below:

The search by states tool is the first search tool presented by default in the Find a Dentist/Find a Hotel search engine tool. Here are the features of this tool:
1. You can search your dentists or hotels by simply click on the state in the states list.
2. You can search your dentists or hotels by simply click on the state within the Mexico map.
3. This link will redirect you to the advance search as shown in the image below.
4. This link will redirect you to the Create New Dentist or Hotel tools if you want to join us and create your own profile for FREE.
Note that when you select any of the states (within the list or within the map) you will be automatically redirected to the advance search tool and show all the dentists or hotels of the state you selected.

The advance search tool lets you do more specific search for a dentist or hotel you need. You can find a dentist or hotel by their locations, by specialties, order the result of your search by Clinic/Hotel name, State, City, Profession and Specialty. The features are explained below:
1. This link will redirect you to the search by state tool if you need to do a search in another state.
2. You can search your dentist/Hotel by clinic/hotel name, State and Specialty. If you leave the fields in blank Dentists of Mexico Directory will show you all the Dentists or Hotels that have a profile.
3. If you click on the columns headers you can sort your search for each column you want.
4. This list show your search results and you can see the Dentist/Hotel profile page by simply click their profile image.
5. If you want to create your own Dentist or Hotel profile in our page you can do it FREE by simply click this link.

The Profiles
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Once you have selected the dentists or hotel you want you will see the profile of their account in Dentists of Mexico Directory. The profile page shows the most relevant information about an specific dentist or hotel. An example profile is show in the image below:

The profile is divided in various sections depending of the information you want to see, the features are listed below:
1. Profile Image: Is the principal image selected by the profile manager and is show in the search results table.
2. Profile Name: Is the name of the dentist clinic or hotel as show in the search result table.
3. Phone Number: Is the contact phone number of the dentist clinic or hotel.
4. Profile Images List: Is a list of the images presented by the dentists clinic or the hotel.
5. Profile Content: The content shows the information depending of the section you have selected.
6. Profile Menu: This menu allows you to see the different information sections of the dentists clinic or hotel profile.
The different sections available are:
About Us: Is the first section shows in the profile when is selected, it shows a short information about the dentist clinic or hotel.
Services: It shows a short information about the services offered by the dentist clinic or hotel.
Awards: It shows the different awards and studies awarded by the dentist clinic or hotel.
Locations: It shows the locations where you can find the dentist clinic or hotel.
Contact: This section allows you to email contact to your favorite dentist clinic or hotel and create an appointment request to an specific date and hour.

Create an appointment request
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Now that we can see our favorite dentist/hotel profile page and review their information we can create an appointment request. To do that we can use the form as the image below:

To send a message or an appointment request there are some fields that we need to fill. The features of this functionality are listed below:
1. Name of the potential client or patient.
2. Contact phone of the potential client or patient.
3. Contact email of the potential client or patient.
4. Subject or tittle of the message to send to the dentist clinic or hotel we want to contact.
5. A short message to be sent to the dentist clinic or hotel we want to contact.
6. If we want to create an appointment request we have to check the box named "Request an appointment", select the requested day of the appointment and the hour (military format) of the requested appointment.
7. As last field is required to fill the letters show in the image in the next textbox, if we cannot see the image or do not understand the letters in the image we can refresh it by click the blue circle like button next to the letters image, next we just need to click on submit to send the message to our favorite dentist clinic or hotel.

Create your Dentists of Mexico Directory profile
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If you want to joint our Dentists of Mexico Directory profile you can do it FREE you simply click on the link "Nuevo Registro GRATIS", this link are located in both Find a dentist or Find a hotel search engine tools. To explain the different fields we will use images below with a short description of their components:

When you click on the "Nuevo Registro GRATIS" link you will see a page like the above image, here are the fields of the first part of our new profile creation.
1. Nombre: Name of your dentist clinic or hotel. (Required field)
2. Telefono: Contact phone number of your dentist clinic or hotel. (Required field)
3. Correo: Contact email of your dentist clinic or hotel (Required field)
4. Horario: Schedule of your dentist clinic or hotel.
5. Lugares: It will show the different locations you have your dentist clinic or hotel, if you want to add a new location just click on "Agregar nuevo lugar..." link and will redirect you to the add locations form presented in the image below:

Add new Locations
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The image above is the new location form, here are the features:
5.1 Nombre de lugar: Name of the location.
5.2 Pais: Country of the location. (Required field)
5.3 Estado: State of the location. (Required field)
5.4 Ciudad: City of the location. (Required field)
5.5 Direccion: Address of the location. (Required field)
5.6 Longitud: Lontitude coordinates of your location.
5.7 Latitud: Latitude coordinates of your location.
5.8 Es mi lugar primario: If you have more than one location and you have a primary location you can set it by select this checkbox.
Once you save your changes on your dentist clinic or hotel location you will return to the profile information edit page.

Profile Information Details
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In this section we can edit the information showed in our Dentists of Mexico Directory profile page.
6. Acerca de nosotros: Here we enter the information about our dentist clinic or hotel. (About Us)
7. Servicios: The services that our dentist clinic or hotel offers to posible patients or clients.
8. Premios y logros: Awards and studies that our dentist clinic or hotel has awarded.
9. Seleccione su Template: Here we can select wich template we want to add to our profile. The different templates available are showed below, click on the images to display them in big size:

10. Informacion adicional: This is an information for the website administrators about your dentist clinic or hotel. You can use it as comments to the website administrators.
11. Personal y asociados: It will show all your coworkers and staf we add to our Dentist of Mexico Directory profile, if you want to add a new one just click on "Agregar nuevo personal..." link and will redirect you to the add new personal form presented in the image below:

Add new Personal
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The image above shows the Add/Edit personal information form, here are the features:
11.1 Nombre: Personal first name of our dentist clinic or hotel. (Required field)
11.2 Apellido: Personal last name of our dentist clinic or hotel.
11.3 Profesion: Profesion of our personal. (Required field)
11.4 Especialidad: Specialty of our personal. (Required field)
Once you save your changes you will be redirected to the profile information edit page.

Profile Credentials
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At last we have to enter our username and password and accept the conditions, enter a security question and answer and enter the letters on the image, here are the features:
12. Credentiales y condiciones: This is the section where we can enter our security information of our profile and accept the Dentists of Mexico Directory conditions before create our profile.
13. Acepto las condiciones: Check the box if you accept the conditions and terms of use of Dentists of Mexico Directory, if you want to read the conditions just click on "Leer condiciones..." link.(Required field)
14. Credenciales: Enter your profile username. (Required field)
15. Contraseña: Enter your profile password. (Required field)
16. Pregunta secreta: Select your security secret question. (Required field)
17. Respuesta secreta: Select your security secret answer. (Required field)
18. Fill the textbox with the letters of the image, if you cannot see the letters in the image just click on the round blue button to refresh the captcha image.

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